How to Clear Emotional Debris – Part I

We all know how good it feels when we do a “Spring Cleaning” in our home, making our living space roomy and open. Just like on the outside, once we remove the emotional clutter inside, it is amazing how quickly things change. So let’s stop watering the weeds in our head. Instead, clear them out and make room for spring flowers.

Robert Holden, author of “Happiness Now!” has said, “What you focus on most often becomes familiar, and what is familiar feels real to you.” So now is the time to cast out all your emotional debris and replace it with fresh new “familiar” ideas.

Remember: behavior change happens first by clearing the sabotaging emotions and then the beliefs that hold them in place. Only then do behaviors change outside.

EmotionalSpringCleaning6Let’s clean your Inner Temple, your inner body. Here are some tools to help with cleaning your Being.

1. Center Yourself: First quiet yourself and take a few moments to meditate. Allow the silence to be your teacher. Have your journal by your side to record your thoughts and progress. Then ask your inner self – or better yet, your Higher Self – “Which behavior patterns, beliefs and emotional reactions are not serving me now?” Listen inside. Some of you receive images, words, physical sensations, a sound, or a moving picture to represent your answers. Write and write, without editing or questioning. Bear witness to what comes through, without judgment.

2. Notice what emotions and reactions occur. Separate your list into sections, if you desire. For example, some categories might be: Negative Self-Talk, Excuses I Make, Procrastination Areas, Excessive Emotions like Anger, Resentments or create your own categories.

3. Decide on which emotional baggage issues you want to release or shift first. Number the rest of the negative beliefs or reactions that emerged so you have the order of what you want to deal with when ready.

4. Select the method or technique you wish to use to release these old reactions. Some of the best methods for releasing negative emotions are EFT, Self-hypnosis, Reichian work, and if it’s one of the biggies connected to the fear and anger of abuse, EMDR may be the method of choice, in which case it’s important to work with a therapist. For some issues, like everyday anger, it might be a cognitive method such as, “Count to 10 when I get angry before speaking or doing something.” Or, “I will write in my journal until the emotion subsides.” Even better, I will take a 15-minute walk or run first to release my feelings.”

5. Decide on a time frame for working with each emotional issue. Remember: your time frame needs to be flexible. Be gentle on yourself.

Part II will be in the next edition.

Check out Helaine’s
Live Workshop on Emotional Spring Cleaning
April 26th 
Check out her
Emotional Spring Cleaning Online Workshop
April 30th

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