Do you want to do what you are called to do, bring in great money and serve your tribe who loves working with you..

All Without Selling Your Soul?

Discover how to double your monthly income by tapping into the amazing power of your energy centers!

From a Certified Intuitive Strategist/Shamanic Healer/Therapist Who Has Transformed Money Struggle into Abundant Success

Dear Heart-Centered Entrepreneur,

Look at these statements below. If any of them are true for you, this is a sign you’re in your own way of doubling your income and moving to the next level in your career or business:

  • You seem to get stuck in doing tasks and forgetting what you love about the work you do
  • You can’t find the time, confidence or passion to move forward on a project you dream of creating and you don’t know why
  • You are doing so many things that you don’t have energy left to create the new idea,program or product that is calling you, because you are too tired and often overwhelmed.
  • You can’t seem to bring in enough clients and income to hire the support services you need, so you can focus on what you love doing
  • You have this fire inside you to take a big leap, but are too scared to leave your day job,because you just aren’t sure how to go about it.
  • You’re doing fine, or at least okay, in your business, yet you know you are called to do something more.
  • Worse yet, whatever you have been doing all along, Suddenly Does Not Work!

I believe I have found the answers to help you, so just Keep Reading.

I know that feeling of desperately wanting something to change and move forward, yet my feet felt like they were in concrete. I couldn’t rise up and move through that no matter what I did.

Let me tell you my story.

I had my best year, up until then, in 2007.

When the financial crisis hit of ’08, my income dropped down by 50% in a few months, plus I lost most of my retirement money through a poor real estate investment because I did not listen to that small voice inside.

I promised myself I would never make that mistake again! And I haven’t.

I worked on the inner level with lots of healing work to release the terror and on the outer level, I hired a coach to learn new spiritual business tools.

I more than doubled my income in a short time and taught classes on increasing your Business Intuition.

My Super Woman Recovery

Much to my shock, I still had another monstrous lesson to learn. Yikes!

I recovered financially, but I found myself working a 60-hour a week. That’s rough at any age, especially one approaching, and then passing, retirement time. I had this perfectionist Super Woman Syndrome going on, and I didn’t even recognize it!

The cost to my body was huge – It shut down. My left-brain refused to function, and I could always rely on that to work in the past. I could no longer create anything from my just my mind.

I went inside, rested, did lot of higher level healing work on my issues such as terror of not making it financially. Maybe you can relate. Then it HIT ME!

I never trusted anyone to take care of me, a childhood issue thing. I had to do it all. That’s what needed healing in me, the first 4 chakras.

Another level of healing was surrender and allow the Divine to work through me in service. I was being taken care of by Spirit. I could finally breathe and RELAX.

I’m not alone.

And neither are you alone, but you may not know it fully yet.

If you’re reading this, you know everything is Energy.

The Chakras are a form of energy. In fact, Chakra means “moving wheel.” Each of the Chakras act as a lens through which we perceive reality, our life, our world and our experiences. They connect to the body’s anatomy and physiology as well as the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of us.

The Chakras are actually active energy centers that store information and play it back to us. Since they act as lenses, if our lenses are dirty or smudged, we will not be seeing reality clearly and we will be perpetuating patterns and behaviors that sabotage us.

Since the Chakras are made up of energy, they are meant to move and vibrate. They carry an energy frequency. Sometimes they can stop moving and get stuck.

Some of the issues that create this stuck or depleted energy in a chakra are negative emotions, experiences from which we have not released the energy, the ego and mental distortions of reality, issues from past life timelines as well as the maternal and paternal genealogical timelines that haven’t been transformed.

There can even be tears, rips, swellings, stuck debris like sticks or energy knives in the chakras that require removal.

All these issues that block the full vibrational frequency of the Chakras needs to be transformed.

So I’ve created this new program to support you to heal your chakras and tap into the practical manifesting power of Chakra Energy.

You Can Do What You Are Meant to Do,
Love It and Double Your Monthly Income.

Elemental Chakra Healing for
Doubling Your Monthly Income

New 8-Week Program Begins May 4th, 12 CEUs

Listen to the Complimentary, Powerful Healing Call below to gain more information about the Program and open the portal for success.

Actually, it will positively affect all areas of your life – Love and Self-Love, Finances, Health, Career plus your ability to enjoy life more.

Here is some of what you will gain from the Elemental Chakra Healing for Doubling Your Monthly Income Program:

  • How to focus energy so you are energized instead of feeling depleted from your work
  • Learn to use your Heart and Soul Power to create magnetic attraction energy for more opportunities, clients and income
  • Discover your energy signature, which allows you to make wiser choices for your career and business
  • Transform the aspects or personas that are hiding out and preventing you from taking your next step
  • Learn a variety of tools for transforming any negative emotions, issues, beliefs, vows or experiences.
  • Experience a more flowing and harmonious connection between your inner feminine and masculine energy, creating greater congruence in your relationships, both at work and home
  • Balance the fire of a passionate heart with intuition, clarity and precision for making wise decisions
  • Fine tune your intuition and “gut instinct” so you can more easily trust your intuitive choices
  • Develop healthy emotional and energetic boundaries so it feels comfortable to increase your income, clients and business
  • Allow your message to come from your heart and your energy system so it is naturally more aligned for greater results
  • Enjoy greater financial reward as well as fulfillment in what you do
  • Appreciate your own gifts, talents and wisdom so you have more confidence and clarity when you step out into the world
  • Feel gratitude and joy in your ability to Shine your light bigger and brighter as you share your gifts
  • Enjoy career and financial success along with doubling your monthly income, while having a mentor to hold your hand along the way, plus group support so you feel secure, safe and supported by the Universe.

What clients say about Helaine

“Heavy trauma and now I am making strides past the issues that frustrated me most."

Helaine is amazing - full of nurturing warmth, patience, and empathy. I met her while at a complete loss as how to move forward with multiple issues affecting me in career and relationships. She worked with me just a few times using different modalities of therapy/healing (Wow! Psychic Heart Surgery!) and managed to help me release some very heavy trauma, release some anger, and now I am making strides past the issues that frustrated me most, finding it much easier to communicate and be heard by others in my life and finally making some progress in what to pursue in career . I can't sing her praises or recommend her enough.

~ MA Stertz

“She skillfully weaves together just the right healing tools and business tools for rapid results.”

“Helaine quickly tunes into the heart of the person and the heart of the matter. With sensitivity and wisdom, she skillfully weaves together just the right healing tools and business tools for rapid results. I feel seen, heard, and understood as obstacles release and I feel empowered. Helaine is a treasure who shines a bright, guiding light on any situation.”

~ Toni Crotty, MA, CAMT, CRTh

“She has amazing insight and energy”

“Helaine has a direct connection to the universe. She has amazing insight and energy, which results in connecting deeper within yourself and the world around you. Her methods and techniques as a teacher/coach go beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. The results last!”

~ Renee Shatanoff

I found out a lot about myself being visual and kinesthetic and how to work with that.

“This experience was beneficial. It was helpful to find out that I can actually question my guides and ask them what to do that seems appropriate to me. Thank you, Helaine, for all your help and helpful suggestions.”

~ Nancy Tinajero-Guerrero

Elemental Chakra Healing for
Doubling Your Monthly Income

8-Week Program (4 Classes, 2 Energy Process Labs, Bonus Call and a Q&A)

We concentrate on the first 3 Chakras and the Heart Chakra, because those are the most important areas to shift lower level emotions, beliefs and events that impede or block greater success for most people.

Here is the program -

Class 1 – Foundation for Elemental Chakra Healing

  • We do an Assessment of where you are at now, so you know what aspect is important for you to focus on shifting
  • 4-Step Healing Process so you have a system to use on your own whenever negative emotions or beliefs surface
  • Basic information on the Chakras and Elements so you understand the flow in the program
  • Learn a powerful Chakra Balancing Meditation you can do daily so that you are balanced and calm throughout your day
  • Opening the Heart Chakra, the 4th Chakra, will enable you to focus on Self-Love, taking care of you first and doing what is for your highest good, instead of being drained, exhausted and putting you last. This is the foundation and base for everything in your life to work the way you envision it.

Class 2 – Root Chakra and Earth Element

  • Practice a Daily Grounding and Earth Meditation which helps you begin your day feeling a rock-solid foundation and connection to Mother Earth
  • Uncover your specific issues around not feeling at home on the earth or that you are not meant to enjoy success and abundance doing what you love
  • Then we do a transformational process to release your specific issues in this life, past life and genealogical timelines.
  • Give you the tools from the Energy Management System you can use daily to clear any lower level emotions or beliefs that surface so you can be calm and accomplish what you want to daily

Class 3 – Sacral Chakra and Water Element

  • Explore the ebb and flow of emotions, like water, that can flood you or leave you dry and empty so you learn to live in a more balanced way
  • Do a process to transform the feeling of never getting enough of anything you want.
  • Learn the power of the new dynamic balance of masculine and feminine energy is important to know how they function in you. Then you know which energy needs strengthening or increasing for you to enjoy success, especially financially (It affects relationships as well!)
  • Learn how your energy moves so you can go with your own natural energy flow, instead of fighting against it.

Class 4 – Solar Plexus Chakra and Fire Element

  • Harness the fuel of the Power Center and the Fire Element to access your intuition, creativity and passion.
  • Accessing and releasing the Core Issue that prevents you from bringing your life’s purpose work to the world and being well rewarded financially.
  • Release the energies that keep you trapped. Transform anger, low self-esteem and fear into passionate aliveness and empowerment so you have an unlimited supply of energy for your mission.
  • Learn how to take the energy of rage and transform it into greater clarity.
  • Experience transformation and how you can use this new energy for increasing clients and income.


This can be about personal issues relating to what we have covered, business issues, getting a project moving now that your energy is open, business, revenue producing ideas or whatever area you wish to cover for your movement and growth.

2 Energy Process Labs

In these labs we will be doing healing processes on a deeper level that require more time. You will be able to share, ask questions or have me do a brief reading at the end of the calls.

Bonus Class

You have greater ability to move forward in your purpose work, job, career or business from your heart. Now you can use the increased energy and put it into a project or creativity of any kind. What is your message, gift or work that wants to be revealed? Release any fear, issues or persona in your way of taking the next step. We will work together to create an Inspired Action Plan and select your next step.

Summary of what you receive when you enroll in the program:


  • 5 90-Minutes Group Sessions $400
  • 2 90-Minutes Energy Process Labs $200
  • 1 90-Minutes Q&A $100
  • MP3 recordings of everything in the Program $175
  • Access in a Group Learning Center
  • Facebook Group just for this Program
  • PDFs and MP3 of processes and exercises from scientifically
  • proven disciplines put together for you from Energy Medicine,
  • Hypnosis, EFT, Shamanism, energy healing
  • tools and Intuitive Strategist Program $300
  • Plus Bonuses for Everyone
  • Heaven & Earth Meditation $ 37
  • Feminine Warrior Manual and MP3 $ 87


  • Bonus for 1st 11 People
  • E-Coaching w HH 9 weeks– ask anything healing, money, business$900
  • Special Extra Bonus For Payment in Full
  • One ½ hour of Healing or Coaching private phone session
    with Helaine$200

Total Value $2399

  • With e-coaching and extra bonus for paying in full Value$2599

I am offering this program at a low cost because I am guided to reach as many heart-centered entrepreneurs as possible to help them get their work out to a wider audience AND experience more abundance. Plus there is amazing energy now for rapid transformation of deep-seated issues.

What people say about Helaine:

"I can plan and follow up, stay centered, take care of "first things first" and direct myself towards positive changes and make my business grow!"

"I have learned the key concepts on how to connect and partner more with Spirit and Inner Guides as well as significant tools to activate the kinds of things I want everyday! …I can plan and follow up, stay centered, take care of "first things first" and direct myself towards positive changes and make my business grow! I am now able to plan not only my day, but how I choose to live and work every day, and I choose to have joy and be of service!"

~ Liliana Atanasio, Certified Life Coach,

“After that strategy session, my business exploded for the following 5 months.”

"I thoroughly enjoyed my strategy session with Helaine. She is amazingly insightful and tuned in. I've experienced many channeling sessions and intuitive counseling sessions, both in person and distance, and my session with Helaine was among the best. After that strategy session my business exploded for the following 5 months, which was wonderful and appreciated. Helaine is delightful and helpful. Someone I turn to when I'm wanting a boost." Kerry Leigh, Actualize Your Health!

Kerry Leigh,
(505) 453-5853

“You have been one of my most profound teachers!!!”

WOWZAAAA...Thank you Helaine. Over the past 12 years of my journey to peeling the layers away to my inner secret healer, you have been one of my most profound teachers!!! I have been poked, rolfed, cleansed, smudged hypnotized...the list goes ON!!! My work with you has been like a big, loving embrace of comfort, hugs, atta girls and an ‘off you go from the nest.’ LOL! So grateful for your wisdom:}

Diane jackson,

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

I’m confident that when you do the Elemental Chakra Healing for Doubling Your Monthly Income Program, you’re going to start transforming your Business and your Income. I also know that if you follow the steps and do the work, you’ll be able to use the tools to increase your business opportunities and clients, while feeling more ease and flow. Just to back that up, I’m offering a no questions asked guarantee. If, before the 2nd class, you are not satisfied with the program you can request a full refund. 100%! No reason needed. Just call us at 818-782-6869. I am taking the risk so you don’t have to.

What are your choices?

You could do nothing and things will probably stay the same.

Or you can try to open your heart energy, clear and align your chakras, manage your emotional energy, and release your deep-seated unconscious issues about increasing your income and business on your own to see what happens.

But in these two scenarios… things probably will not change much, or they would have changed by now.

In my experience, when you take direct action toward learning these skills and begin healing, clearing and aligning your chakras with opening your heart more fully, miracles start to happen. It is so much easier with someone who has been where you are and already developed and mastered these processes.

So if this resonates with you, I invite you to sign up for this course today so you can experience Elemental Chakra Healing to Double Your Monthly Income by increasing your magnetic attraction to your aligned clients and customers for you … Your clients are waiting for you to open up your arms and welcome them in.

Yes Helaine! I want to Double My Monthly Income Now!

Helaine Z. Harris, LMFT License #MF15327, PCE #5761

Certified Intuitive Strategist, Psychotherapist, Intuitive Business Coach and Shamanic Healer

Helaine works with heart-centered passionate entrepreneurs who are called to do more and want to break through whatever is holding them back from getting to greater heights AND increasing their income. She assists them in finding their Soul Power to fuel their vision so they are recognized and richly rewarded. As an intuitive business coach, psychotherapist and shamanic healer, Helaine is a multi-sensory intuitive with 35 years experience and the founder of An Awakening Center™, which blends 45+ modalities and trains interns, healers and coaches. Helaine has co-authored the new book, Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose, compiled by Michelle Mayur, recently hit #1 on Amazon.

I am thrilled to share my new work with you so you can step out more fully into your power and take your gifts out to the world in a bigger way. There is an amazing amount of transformational energy available now for rapidly making huge shifts. Now is your time to grow and allow your bigger message to be shared with your tribe AND be well rewarded. LET YOUR SPIRIT SOAR!

To Your Success, Love and Joyful Blessings,

P.S. Remember, the extra BONUSES WORTH $900 or $1100 if paid in full are only available to the first 11 people who register! This includes 1/2 hour of personal healing or coaching with Helaine.