Monthly Archives: April 2012

Relationship & The Vampire

“A sexual vampire. You’re dating a sexual vampire. He lives off women’s sexual energy to feed him.” Although I thought I should stop seeing this man, I had no intention of doing this. Instead, I did the only other thing I could. I studied the pattern and tracked the wound, the events in relationship and the codependency that it created. My teacher continued, “Notice his feet and hands are often cold and his body is thin and emaciated looking.” I continued observing every movement and change that occurred to me and in the relationship. Continue reading

Relationship & The Vampire

“A sexual vampire. You’re dating a sexual vampire. He lives off women’s sexual energy to feed him.” Although I thought I should stop seeing this man, I had no intention of doing this. Instead, I did the only other thing I could. I studied the pattern and tracked the wound, the events in relationship and the codependency that it created. My teacher continued, “Notice his feet and hands are often cold and his body is thin and emaciated looking.” I continued observing every movement and change that occurred to me and in the relationship. Continue reading

When do I seek counseling or therapy?

What can therapy do for me? Knowing when to seek therapy or get some counseling is vital. There are many reasons one seeks therapy. Crisis is the most common reason people go to a therapist. Crisis could be any drastic event that suddenly effects us. This could include, but is not limited to: a severe illness, loss of a job, parent or child becomes seriously ill, death of a family member, financial disaster, a major flood, earthquake or fire, etc. Continue reading

Does your therapist listen with her soul?


Listen, my child.
Listen, with your heart
And you shall hear their feelings
And the words they never dared to speak. Continue reading

The Secret to Combating Money Anxiety

Are you, or anyone you know, struggling with feelings of overwhelm and anxiety because of money? it

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